Wrestlemania Coming To Jersey Again? YES!

NJ.com is reporting that Wrestlemania is coming back to Jersey!  YAAAAY!  When I was at our Minerals Sports Club Member Mixer Social last night, several friends were excited after hearing this wonderful news.  Met Life Stadium, home to the NY Giants and NY Jets, will reportedly be home to Wrestlemania 35.  Hopefully it doesn't snow on them next year!  I couldn't remember whether the last time Wrestlemania was in the Tristate was in Citi Field or Met Life, apparently it was at Met Life back in 2013.  This has GREAT potential!  Full disclosure, I've been an on and off again Rasslin' die hard fan since 4 years old.  I remember watching the 1988 and 1989 Wrestlemania's with my Dad and Uncles, cheering on Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior.  Now in my 30s, I still enjoy relaxing after a long day at work, and using WWE as escapism.  Wrestlemania can bring plenty of tourists and their money to our area, so this seems to be another win for Jersey / New York.  You can see more about it by clicking here.

5 signs that your friends have given you an Irish Goodbye?  I don't care.  If you leave just leave, make sure I know that you're okay.  I can never pull off Irish goodbyes, I'm apparently conspicuous by my absence, lol.  This guide also gives you tips on pulling off a quicker, easier Irish goodbye.  An Irish Goodbye as they call it, is when you leave quickly without saying goodbye to people.

While I do enjoy Apothic Red wines in my normal red wine rotation, this one has me scratching my head.  Coffee infused wine?  They claim there's not much caffeine in there, but still, #EwwGross!  You can click here and see more about that stuff.

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