Corona virus update: N.J. N.Y. Pa. April 23 2020

The number of new cases of corona virus in New Jersey continues to stay flat but it hasn't been flat long enough to ease any restrictions. As of yesterday, over 95,000 have tested positive and over 5,000 have died. Over 2,000 of those deaths have been at long term care facilities. The Sussex County Health Department reported a total number of 760 positive corona virus cases yesterday and the number of deaths from the virus increased to 71. Heath officials in New York say the number of people testing positive reached over 258,000 yesterday over 19,000 have died. New York announced plans to coordinate a "contact tracing" program with New Jersey and Connecticut soon. In Pennsylvania Governor Wolfe announced his plan to start lifting the state lock down would begin May 8th. The opening up of Pennsylvania's economy will start in county's or regions with under 50 cases per 100,000. Parts of north central and north west Pennsylvania already have under 20 cases per 100,000. The total number of corona virus cases in Pennsylvania is 35,000 and 1600 have died. Yesterday the Pike County Courier reported 13 out of 14 patients in Belle Reve Senior Living Center's dementia unit have tested positive for Covid-19. All of the patients are asymptomatic. Four staff members at the facility have also tested positive.

Sources: N.J. Herald NJ.COM Pike County Courier

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