Three easy ways to stop stress in one minute

     The most stressful part of my day is usually between 4:15 and 6:15 in the morning. The WSUS Morning Show goes live at 5 in the morning and there's a lot of preparation in the first 2 hours I am here. I work pretty hard to find things to talk about on the WSUS Morning Show to always keep you interested and engaged.  So you see it's more than just playing love songs, Adele and Wham.

     Early in the morning is when we also discover if there are any technical problems to take care of.  It would be nice to de-stress with a glass of wine or two when things get crazy but that's not a good idea when you're doing a live radio show. Stress can also come from co-workers.  I try not to think about that stress until I get off the air. 

     We all have things that are stressful in our lives. Now here are three things you and I can do that might help reduce that stress in one minute.

1. Do something else. If you can walk away for a while do it. Play a game on the phone or call someone. 

2. Work out slower. Research shows if you push yourself too hard during a workout cortisol levels actually increase. If you slow down they go down.

3. Write it out. Sometimes documenting what is causing your stress removes the emotion from the situation. We're not talking about writing a long memo here. Just a sentence or two.

I'll add my own stress reduction tip:

4. Be as prepared as you can for each day. I have found the more I plan the WSUS Morning Show in advance the less stress I experience during the show. Some days advance planning is more possible than others. Just try to leave work the day before knowing you are as ready as possible for the next day. 

Source: Shape


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