My "Feeling Lost" Weekend in 5 pictures

     I was really looking forward to a break between Christmas and New Year's.  Work took up extra time leading up to Christmas and I didn't get much quality time with anyone in my immediate family. The 5 days in between Christmas and today were supposed to be days to relax and enjoy time with my kids and grand daughter. Sadly, everything fell apart. 

     Right after Christmas my daughter left for Long Island with Gracie to help a friend who was too sick to care for her own children. She will be staying until this weekend.  Kim and Gracie have been home for 7 months. Seeing them everyday is like a ray of sunshine in my life. When they are gone everything feels dark and quiet. I miss them every moment.  My youngest son still lives downstairs but he works long hours as a corrections officer. My two older sons live close but work long hours too. Seeing the toys Gracie got for Christmas and no Gracie was sad. It was a very lonely 5 days. 

     I tried to cheer myself up by getting a special treat for Maddie. New bones as a late Christmas gift. When I bought them they had to be cut in half so she could get at the marrow. I managed to get the job done with my reciprocating saw. I wouldn't recommend doing what I did. The bone slipped out from under the saw several times. I'm here and not injured but it was close. 

     I'm trying to stay positive. Kim's mom is heart sick missing Gracie too.  I'm going to make bourbon boozy chicken wings and pizza rolls tonight after we go out to dinner. I know our sons will be stopping by so they'll enjoy them.  Hoping to start 2019 feeling more positive. Happy New Year to all who see this. 


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