This past Friday I was in Family Court on Long Island as an advocate for my grand daughter. I was not on the side of Gracie's mother who is my daughter or Gracie's father. Just Gracie. Her parents have decided to break up and now it's her future and safety I am concerned about. She is 3 years old and has always had both her mommy and daddy. Now that my daughter has moved back to Long Island to stay with her friends Gracie just has mommy. Gracie will not see her grandpa and grandma either. She Facetimes with us and and says she wants to go back "home" but it's out of her control. My home will always be Gracie's home whenever she wants it to be. I hope she can visit often but it doesn't look like that will be the case because my daughter doesn't drive. Every time my ex wife and I want to see her all the driving will be on me. As one friend said: "It's the old only one way game." After the Family Court Process is over I'm not going to play it.
Custody battles can get vicious. Falling in love all over again is very exciting at any age. Sometimes it can cloud a person's judgement. The "new love" becomes way too big influence very fast. Immature or naive friends support the "new love" because they want to see their friend happy. Parents who are eager to please the new love in their life sometimes loose sight of what is in the best interest of the child. This can even include the safety of their child. This is why I will be in court every time a decision about Gracie's future is planned. Not on mom's side or dad's side but on Gracie's side. She should never be put in a risky situation because of her parents problems.
Here are pictures of some of our happiest moments with Gracie over the past 7 months.
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