My chilly weekend in 5 pictures

     Since my daughter and grand daughter moved out I haven't been looking forward to the weekend the way I used to.  The house is quiet. I try to relax and do the things I have to do. All things considered this was a better weekend than the last few.

     On Saturday I was back at Subaru World of Newton for another Subaru Saturday. I love the people who work there and the listeners who stop by.  I think the staff at Subaru World likes me too. Several of them came over to the table to tell me where the employee lunch room was so I could have some pizza. One young man came over while I was there and asked if I was Steve Allan. I told him I was Steve Andrews and that I was much better looking than Steve Allan. I told him Steve Allan was weird because he doesn't like American Cheese. The boy said "Yea he's weird."

     On Sunday I woke up to the sound of my son James shoveling my driveway. I offered to help him but he was almost done. James was my hero this weekend. What he did lifted my spirits.  It was not only what he did but how positive he was when he did it. He was truly happy to help us. As the pictures will show. He did a great job.

     Sunday night I decided to try the tomato sauce that got the top spot on's list of the best and worst sauces available in New Jersey.  Last week the article was the basis for one of my blog posts. I bought "Classico Organic" sauce at Walmart for $2.39. It was pretty good. The sauce stayed on the pasta nicely. As far as taste goes I still like Ragu and Prego better. 

     Monday I went to my son Matt's for dinner. This is now something we do every week. I really look forward to it. He made one of my favorite meals. Cheeseburgers and french fries.  Since Matt was in his comfortable "around the house clothes" I was not allowed to take a picture of him and his girlfriend. Instead, I took pictures of the Christmas Tree and New Year's Eve decorations that are still in his living room. I have a feeling we'll be seeing those decorations up for a long time! 


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