Your barking dog can get you jail time in one N.J. town

Listening to a neighbor's barking dog is annoying. Having a dog that won't stop barking is frustrating. My dog Maddie is very "vocal." A polite way to say she barks too much. I'm pretty fortunate. My neighbors love Maddie so they are understanding. I'm glad I don't live in Saddle River, New Jersey. The affluent Bergen County borough just enacted stiff fines and possible jail time for residents who have dogs that bark for more than 20 minutes. Most towns do have laws and fines for residents who let their dogs bark too much. I've never heard of jail time. The borough administrator claims there are probably more than 200 towns in New Jersey where a barking dog could get you thrown in the slammer. Of course, it's up to a judge to decide if that happens or not.


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