I always dread Spring Cleaning

We've been indoors all winter. This weekend many of us will begin to get the inside and outside of our homes cleaned up and organized. As I mentioned a few days ago. My yearly spring cleaning is off to an early start. I'm getting some help this year from my daughter's boyfriend which is really appreciated. This Saturday I plan to tackle the shed. I'm going to take everything out. Then sweep out all the dirt and dust. As I put everything back in a more organized way I'll decide what is getting tossed or donated. On Good Morning America this week experts shared some of their tips to make spring cleaning go smoothly as possible. Here they are: 1. Start Small-Maybe with the kitchen junk drawer. That's where I started. 2. Be strong-get rid of things you no longer use. 3. Repackage-once everything is in order you'll feel less overwhelmed. 4. Use labels so things are easier to find. Well, I was never one for labels but I know quite a few very organized people who use them. Wish me luck with my shed this weekend. As a spring cleaning inspiration to all of you. I'll share pictures of how nice my cleaned out shed looks on Monday.

Source: Good Morning America

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