This ended up being one of our most epic videos ever. Until a few weeks ago, I had never even heard of Acroyoga. I have been getting more into conventional yoga over the past year trying to help my bad neck and shoulder issues, and I definitely need to do more of it. I'm overdue for a return of my Remote Yoga Dates with Awesome Girlfriend Megan. When they say that Acroyoga is more vigorous than conventional yoga, they're not lying! During my latest adventure at Minerals Sports Club I was able to finally try Acroyoga with my trainer Elaine, and get an assist from my Minerals Trainer buddy Steph. Acroyoga is done in groups, where you basically do planks and push ups on each other. I'll warn you there is a ton of awkward comedy gold in this video. That being said, I'll never forget it. #WhatCanPossiblyGoWrong? You can learn more about some beginner Acroyoga tips here.
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