Newton man has to be treated for rabies after coyote bite

A few weeks ago my grand daughter looked out the window and said "look mommy some's doggy." When my daughter looked outside there was a coyote across the street from my house. It was early in the morning and we often see deer on our street but seeing a coyote was a first. Since that day I'm very careful when I head out to my car at 3:30 every morning. The coyote was probably just chasing a deer but I'm still take precautions because of what my daughter saw. Last Friday 38 year old William Shawger was outside his home on Prospect Street in Newton when a coyote came out of nowhere and bit him in the leg. Shawger told Newton Police he had to shake his leg to get it to let go. When police and animal control arrived the coyote was still there. When it came toward the officer showing no fear. The officer shot and killed the coyote. Shawger went to the hospital to get treatment for the bite. The coyote was tested for rabies and the test came back positive, Coyotes are beautiful creatures. They are a necessary predator in our area. We usually don't see them because they hunt for food at night and avoid human contact. Anytime a coyote shows no fear of a human and it's out during the day rabies is a good possibility.

Source: New Jersey Herald

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