This was the 35th year I've done at least one live broadcast from the New Jersey State Fair. Over the years the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm and Horse Show has gotten bigger but it still kept all it's great traditions. My favorite place to visit is the livestock pavilions. Last year I posed with a pig. This year I took a picture with a very nice cow. It's also great to meet people who ride into work with me every morning in person. Over the next few days I'll be doing shout outs to listeners who stopped by and told me when they usually tune in. Kim and Gracie wee at the fair while I was on the air. So far it's been quite a summer for Gracie. Shes been to Hershey Park, Land of Make Believe, The Orange County Fair and the New Jersey State Fair. My weekend project at home was cleaning out my bedroom closet. I donated two bags of clothes and a couple of old suits to the Salvation Army. I took a picture of all the empty hangers. Now I have room in my closet again.
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