It's here!
Week 1
December 2nd- Pope John High School Chorus
December 3rd- John Hill School Chorus
December 4th- Hardyston Middle School Chorus
December 5th- Merriam Avenue School and Wallkill Valley High School (8:35)
December 6th- Sparta High School Honors Choir
Week 2
December 9th- High Point Jazz Ensemble
December 10th- High Point Chamber Singers and Lafayette Township School Chorus (8:35)
December 11th- Dingman Delaware Middle School chorus and band (8:35)
December 12th- Merriam Avenue School and Long Pond Bell Choir (8:35)
December 13th- Sparta High School Jazz Band and Allamuchy School Chorus (8:35)
Week 3
December 16th- Vernon High Chorus and Macopin Middle School Chorus (8:35)
December 17th- Frankford School Chorus and (8:35) John Hill School Chorus (11:30) Record Sparta High School Honors Choir.
December 18th- Montague School Bell Choir and (8:35) Pope John Middle School (9:00) Record High Point High School Jazz Ensemble
December 19th- Delaware Valley High School Chorus and Macopin School 8th grade band (8:35)
December 20th- Franklin Elementary School Chorus (8:35) Hardyston Middle School Chorus.
Week 4
December 23rd- High Point High School Jazz Ensemble (Pre-recorded 2019 make up performance)
December 24th Sparta High School Honor Choir (Pre-recorded 2019 make up performance)
Thank you to our sponsors Weis, Newton Medical Center, Visions & Franklin Sussex Auto Mall!