Wintry weather is on the way for Saturday

Things could get a little messy on the roads for a few hours this Saturday. Forecaster Bob Larsen told the New Jersey Herald we could start to see some snow late Saturday Morning or early Saturday afternoon. The snow will accumulate only 1 to 3 inches before temperatures start to warm up and the precipitation continues as sleet late in the afternoon. Areas of higher elevation could see more snow. By late Saturday night temperatures will be warm enough for a transition to all rain. By Sunday morning the rain will be over. Sunday afternoon could even bring some breaks of sunshine. This morning NJ.COM is reporting the National Weather Service is forecasting 3 to 6 inches in some parts of North Jersey. While in eastern parts of New Jersey that are closer to the ocean very little snow is expected because of warmer ocean temperatures.

Sources: N.J. Herald and NJ.COM

Read the NJ.COM report here

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