Tips to help kids adjust to Daylight Savings Time

Spring ahead, fall back. That's the only way I remember what to do. This is the weekend we loose an hour. When I was a kid I don't remember having any trouble adjusting. Today a lot of kids do. Parents who have established a normal bedtime routine will be trying to put their kids in bed at their regular bedtime. While the kid's bodies will feel like it's an hour too early. As an adult this clock changing stuff throws me off too. Especially, when we loose an hour. Sunday Night I'll try to go to bed at my usual time but I won't fall asleep either. I'll try to adjust by getting up an hour earlier Sunday morning. Then by staying awake all day without a nap. If you have kids here are a few more suggestions from sleep consultant Sarah Mitchell: 1) Avoid screens before bed. Which is always good advice but especially good for this weekend. 2) Take it slow. You can adjust bedtime over the next few days. Maybe in 20 minute increments. 3) Keep the same bedtime routine. 4) No big meals shortly before bedtime. If all else fails remember every kid eventually adjusts and things will get better soon. Of course, the other difficult aspect of this is waking kids for school when it's still dark. What I used to do is make sure my kids had their favorite breakfast waiting. Even if it wasn't something I would usually buy. My kids loved all the Captain Crunch cereals, toaster strudel and the iced pop tarts. I knew all that sugar wasn't great but sometimes some motivation with a treat is O.K. Good Luck!

Source: She Knows

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