Corona virus update: N.J. N.Y. Pa. April 17 2020

New Jersey schools will remain closed until at least May 15th. Yesterday, Governor Phil Murphy also announced the State Attorney General would be looking into the high number of Covid-19 deaths at the Andover Sub Acute facility. The governor said he was "deeply troubled by the high number of deaths at certain nursing homes." New Jersey has over 75,000 confirmed cases of corona virus and over 3,500 deaths. The Sussex County Heath Department says there are now 586 cases in the county and 41 people have died. 19 of those deaths were at the Andover Sub Acute Nursing Home. In New York State the number of corona virus cases reached 777,000. Over 14,000 New York State residents have died. Pennsylvania officials announced they "believe" they've flattened the curve in their state. Pennsylvania has over 77.000 cases over 700 have died.

Sources: New Jersey Herald

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