How to get plastic produce bags open on the first try

I love buying fresh fruits and vegetables when I'm food shopping. My first job in high school was working at an open air vegetable and fruit market in Union City. Over the years one thing has gotten more and more frustrating. Trying to open the plastic bags you're supposed to put your fruits and vegetables in. The bags just keep getting thinner and thinner. The other day I tried for more than five minutes to open one flimsy bag. This happened at a local supermarket. I almost gave up. While I was muttering and shaking my head. A very nice woman was apparently watching me getting more and more frustrated. Finally, she came over and handed me a disinfecting wipe from the dispenser at the front of the store. She told me to use the wipe to clean my hands and leave my fingers wet. Then try to open the bag. I did exactly what she said and got the bag open on the first try. I guess the alcohol in the wipes makes the bags and our hands much less slippery. There are nice people around us everyday. I hope you give this a try and never have to struggle with those awful bags again.

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