The weather forecasters told us it was going to be a very hot weekend. So when I got home Friday afternoon I started to prepare for it. Since mowing the front and back lawns in 90 degree heat is not my favorite thing to do I got most of the yard work done Friday. There was only a little mowing left and that got done before church Sunday Morning. The rest of the weekend was about enjoying our little backyard paradise. It took a few weeks to get the flowers and veggies planted, the landscaping done, deck power washed, grill cleaned and the pool open. It was all worth it because now we are ready. There's still some work to do. We'll get to it. When it's a sunny 90 degree weekend it can wait. So we grilled steaks, ate outside and enjoyed the pool. I did take a few minutes to wash the cars. When it's 92 outside it was just another way to stay cool and wet!
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