My "Missions Accomplished" Weekend in Pictures

There was nothing glamorous about this weekend. Except for my new Eddie Bauer prescription sunglasses from Pearle Vision in Sparta. I really needed them but had to wait for my vision benefits to kick in to get them. Some other missions I accomplished included taking my son's car to Tire King to get a slow leak patched in his front tire. James has been procrastinating about getting this done. So I finally did it. He's 24 but I still worry more about my kid's vehicles being safe than they do. My daughter and I also went food shopping for Thanksgiving at the new Shop Rite in Matamoras. Which is going to take some getting used to after shopping at the Montague Shop Rite for about 20 years. I did notice plenty of turkeys though. Every year we try something new along with our usual favorites. This year we are going to make Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits. One more thing: My grandson has learned a couple of new words "wait" and "get down." These are words he hears my daughter say all day long because he's a runner and a climber!

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