My " Magic of Christmas" Weekend in Pictures

I knew I had to watch my grand daughter Gracie for a few hours on Saturday. I also knew Sunday was my grandson's 2nd birthday. Saturday afternoon one of Gracie's friends mom's told me they would be lighting the Christmas Tree at Matamoras Borough Hall and Santa would be visiting at 4:30. So Gracie and I went over to borough hall and met her two friends there. Matamoras is a very small town but the tree lighting was very nicely done. Santa came out to light the tree and then visited with each child inside the beautifully decorated meeting room. Gracie's eyes lit up when she got to sit on Santa's lap and he talked to her. I've been having trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. That moment started to change everything. Sunday was my grandson Christopher's 2nd birthday. After taking Gracie to Sunday School I planned to relax. Especially since I woke up with a migraine headache. As we rehearsed for next weekend's Sunday School play Gracie just wasn't herself. When I was driving her home I asked her what was wrong. She said " Grandpa all of my friends have Christmas Trees and decorations. Our church has lights and a Christmas Tree. We went to see Santa yesterday. I'm sad because we have no Christmas Tree and decorations at our house." At that moment I was reminded of how very special Christmas is to young children. Nothing was going to stand in the way of putting up the Christmas Tree and Christmas decorations right away. I knew I didn't have to cook because my son Matt made sausage and peppers for dinner. By the time we sat down to celebrate Christopher's birthday that evening. Our tree was up and most of the outside decorations were finished. I'll finish decorating the rest of the inside of the house when I get home today. If your familiar with the story of the editorial "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus." Gracie was my Virginia this weekend. She reminded me that there is a Santa Claus. "The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see."

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