This week Franklin Sussex Auto Mall and 1023 WSUS gave Wade and Michelle Torppey of Wantage a $500 gift card to help purchase presents for the 7 children they adopted this year. Every year we ask our listeners to nominate deserving families to receive gift cards. We award a total of 12 $500 gift cards for the 12 Days of Christmas. The Torppey's story is an amazing journey of faith. The children they adopted are orphaned siblings from the Ukraine. Their ages range from 6 to 17 years old. Wade and Michelle found out about the children through a program at The Lafayette Federated Church that brings children from Latvia and the Ukraine to the United States to celebrate Christmas. The Torppey's have 6 of their own biological children. They've been members of the Lafayette Federated Church since before they were married. When I talked to Michelle I asked her how all of the kids liked living in Sussex County she said they are "loving it." She went on to say all 7 kids are making good progress learning to speak English. Thanks to their teachers at The Sussex Christian School and Veritas Christian Academy.