I made a concerted effort to have a little bit less of an Epic Weekend In Pictures. Between the last two weekends, me traveling to Georgia, then hosting my parents, I'm wiped out. All good and well worth it, but I need to recharge a little.
Friday night I switched things up a bit and went to Blu Alehouse on 23. One of my friends I went out with last week suggested that I should start switching my routine up a little bit. She was absolutely right. I'm definitely guilty of being a creature of habit. I noticed that the setup at Blu Alehouse was different than other bars I have seen. It appeared to be a coating of salt around the bar. I figured they did that so your glass doesn't stick to the bar. I saw that trick on the Cheers television show in the 80s, utilizing salt on the napkin so it doesn't stick to your glass. I was totally wrong on the bar surface, as it was ice instead of salt. This way you can keep your glass cold if you want and leave it on the icy area of the bar. Interesting concept!
Right after I left work Friday night I got a text from my bestie, JG. He was in town for the night and looking to go out. Perfect! I did one IPA at Blu Alehouse and was ready to make my way back to see him at Hef's Hutt. Traffic on 23 Friday night was intense. I drove by not one, two, but three car accidents. By the time I got to 23 in Hamburg, they shut it down to one lane only passing through. It took me almost a full hour to get to Hef's Hutt from Blu Alehouse. Normally it would take 35 minutes or so. Friday night's travel journey was definitely epic.
It was a great Friday fun night with besties Brad and JG. We were able to catch each other up on our recent events, travels, and even online dating comedy gold stories. It's a jungle out there, for sure!
1 of 4 Photo: Hey Kailey and Bella!2 of 4 Photo: Me, Christine, Carrie and Chris3 of 4 Photo: Starbucks4 of 4 Photo: Me, Holly and Carrie
Saturday I was out and about doing some errands. My friend Carrie texted me on a whim to see what I was up to. I then came up with our plan to go out for a fun drink. I took her to Baird's Tavern in Warwick, NY. I haven't been there since before the pandemic. It's a fun speakeasy vibe of a bar. I knew Carrie had never been and it was fun to surprise her. We hit it off with our new bartender friend, Holly. She's up for fun new adventures just like we were.
It was just one IPA, but we made it count. We enjoyed our beer tremendously. Successful trip! Warwick is so beautiful. I need to visit there far more often than I do.
Saturday I had a good, quiet night in. Just what the doctor ordered.
1 of 2 Photo: Me, Chris, Carrie and Christine2 of 2 Photo: Me, Christine, Carrie and Chris
Sunday Funday! I reached out to my besties Christine, Chris and Carrie. We were up for brewery adventures! We went back to Pine Island Tap House which was a great time. Bartender friend Huey was there and totally on board for joining our selfie for my Epic Weekend In Pictures. We all enjoyed our beer at Pine Island Tap House.
We then ventured off to Dubco Acres. It was my first time ever there and I came away impressed! We had a great time together.
Overall, I had a great time getting some laughing, fun adventures with my friends. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend, then the following weekend I'll be Shipping Up To Boston for my family's annual Saint Patrick's Day Party. I can't wait to see everyone up in New England!