Yet another dead whale is floating a few miles off the New Jersey coast

Yet another dead whale has been discovered off the coast of New Jersey and New York. The carcass is floating about 4 miles from the coast just south of the Ambrose Channel. Which is a major shipping lane in and out of the Port of New York and New Jersey. At least 10 other dead whales have washed ashore along New Jersey and New York beaches since December 5th. A spokes person for the Federal Government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says "teams will continue to monitor the situation but due to human safety concerns any further response might not be possible."

Governor Murphy continues to insist all these whale deaths are not related to off shore underwater survey work. Which is being done to build large wind turbines in the Atlantic Ocean. The governor has refused to even temporarily halt the work while a federal investigation looks into the situation.

A group of Republican State Senators joined several environmental groups asking for a 30 day pause in the underwater survey work last week. The governor did not change his stance.

Source: MSN and NJ.COM

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Photo: Newsday via Getty Images

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