My "Big organization and decluttering" Weekend in Pictures

My daughter Kim just hasn't been herself lately. We had a small argument last week about something petty. When we started to talk afterward Kim said she was just feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of her two kids, working and keeping the house organized was just getting to be too much. She likes things to be neat and organized. I wonder where she gets that from? Kim was feeling like everything was out of control. The kitchen and laundry room were really in need of decluttering and organizing. I wanted my daughter to feel better. So getting the kitchen and laundry room under control became my weekend project. My many years of experience working in a supermarket pays off in situations like this.

I did get off to a late start Saturday because I slept until 10. That never happens. Through the course of the weekend we filled a big garbage bag will stuff we didn't need anymore. Then moved what we could into the downstairs refrigerator and store room. I cleaned the shelves in the refrigerator and floor of the pantry. Everything was done by early Saturday Evening. Sunday morning I took a huge bag clothes and bedding to the of laundry in Port Jervis. All of this gave Kim and chance to take the kids to Rockaway Mall for a fun day out. Then just when I thought I could relax and take a nap my grandson and grand- daughter came home and made special requests. They both wanted bacon with American Cheese. Gracie wanted a sandwich. Christopher wanted the cheese on top of his bacon strips. I love cooking for them and watching them clean their plates. Which is exactly what happened. Check out the "before and after" pictures below.

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