WOW. This was definitely an action packed Weekend In Pictures. Thank you so much for coming out to The Fairgrounds for our Home & Garden Show. When in radio, I'm always stressed about events until they're finally over. You always hope that everyone has fun and a great time whether they're friends, vendors, etc. We here at the radio stations all work very hard behind the scenes to make everything sound, look, and feel fun. This Epic Weekend In Pictures will be more telling of stories with pictures than text. You can see the Facebook Live video I did at The Sussex County Fairgrounds below.
If you were with us at The Fairgrounds I sincerely hope you had a great time.
Friday it was absolutely gorgeous weather wherever you went. I went to Ballyowen because I just wanted to relax outside. Their team cracked up when they asked "are you here for the wedding or a golfer?" I laughed and said "neither, I just want to hang out here." It was a beautiful, peaceful start to my Epic Weekend.
I wrapped up my Friday night out pretty early because both The Bruins and Celtics had their playoff games happening. I hung out briefly with besties Brad, Steve and Kimberly. We were all laughing about some recent fun and funny nights together. We made our time together count, that's for sure!
I was happy to be in Friday night flipping back and forth between The Celtics and Bruins games. I LOVE getting to be able to see them on TV.
Saturday morning by 6:30 my phone started going off. Our Promotions Director Felicia The Prize Girl asked me if I could swing by the radio station and print up some flyers for us to hand out at The Fairgrounds. I successfully printed up the hundreds of flyers for our event.
The weather was overcast at first, but then the sun came out more prominently as the day continued. We were lucky and had fantastic weather for our Home & Garden Show. If that hard rain we got Saturday night happened Saturday day it would've been painful. We are so grateful that the weather permitted our fun event.
Did you see that 21 foot boat we had at our show? That was one of my favorite parts, plus our friends with JG Farms Blackburn Growers locked me up in their chicken coup. Then when I had the rocky road fudge from Sue's House Of Fudge? Everyone was loving the food trucks we had too. Overall it was amazing seeing so many smiling faces.
By 2ish, we were ready to bounce after being there since 8:30am. Our tradition of doing a beer with my Sales Superstars at Airport Pub continued. We pick that spot because on a gorgeous day, you can enjoy a beer outside at one of their tables and watch skydivers landing at the nearby airport. It's fun watching all of those different bright colors falling out of the sky floating down to the ground. Unfortunately due to the less than stable weather, we suspect they cancelled the Saturday jumps. All good. Shawn, Seth and I still enjoyed our beer together and cheers celebrating another successful Home & Garden Show in the books.
I was happy to see friends later. I later ended up back at Kite's to hang with Brad, Steve, Kimberly and Sam. Plus our friend Bri was there working and we were able to get her in my Epic Weekend In Pictures. It made her excited to be in them, I told her she's absolutely more than welcome to join my Weekend In Pictures.
Saturday night the rain started getting intense quickly. I was happy to sprint to my car and not get too drenched.
1 of 12 2 of 12 3 of 12 Photo: Celtics4 of 12 Photo: Family photo time!5 of 12 Photo: Let's gooooooooo!6 of 12 Photo: Horses7 of 12 Photo: Hi Chris Hemmer from SCARC!8 of 12 Photo: Sue's Fudge amazing rocky road!9 of 12 Photo: My friends with Visions Federal Credit Union10 of 12 Photo: Team photo!11 of 12 Photo: Nice boat!!!12 of 12 Photo: Nice firepit!
Sunday morning I was still wiped out from our Home & Garden Show. I wanted to keep things low key, figured it would be nice to get a walk in and possibly some retail therapy at Woodbury Commons. Upon parking at Woodbury I realized it was still raining hard and I accidentally left my rain coat at home. Whoops! I wasn't in the mood to walk around Woodbury while it was raining without a rain coat. I then pivoted on my game plan and ended up going to Middletown, NY. I had TJ Maxx on my sights. I was able to use a gift card and buy a few new sets of socks. Socks don't last forever, and isn't putting on a brand new pair of socks one of the best feelings, ever? It totally is, right???
I then started to crave steak. Outback Steakhouse was only 4 minutes away. Done! I went and did a medium rare filet mignon steak and it was excellent. I was very happy with my impromptu decisions.
1 of 6 Photo: he's cocky2 of 6 Photo: Hi Herbie!3 of 6 Photo: Herbie is great!4 of 6 Photo: Hi Greg Blackburn!5 of 6 Photo: Hi SCARC!6 of 6 Photo: Team Photo!
I then met up with some friends at The Cottage while killing time before The Bruins and Celtic playoff games. By Sunday late afternoon I was comfy on my couch cheering on The B's and C's.
They both won woohoo! Overall I had quite the weekend. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!
1 of 7 Photo: Me, work wife Shawn and Seth2 of 7 Photo: Me, Sam, Bri and Kimberly3 of 7 Photo: The girls helping pretty up our weekend4 of 7 Photo: How awesome do brand new socks feel?5 of 7 Photo: Steak!6 of 7 Photo: yes!!!!!!7 of 7 Photo: Let's gooooooo