New Jersey Braces for Summer Bug Surge

New Jersey is set to experience a surge in bug activity this summer, according to predictions from pest control experts. The warm and wet weather conditions are expected to increase the population of various bugs, including mosquitoes, termites, fleas, ticks, aphids, ladybugs, snails, slugs, and gnats.

The increase in bug activity is linked to the recent heatwave and predicted extreme weather conditions for the summer of 2024 across most of the continental USA. The warm weather encourages bug activity and migration, leading to a boom in their populations.

"The Pest Dude", a licensed pest control professional, analyzed predicted summer temperatures and rainfall data to determine which pests are more likely to be a problem in New Jersey. The state is expected to have a warmer summer than average with equal rainfall, a combination that is likely to increase the activity of these pests.

While bugs generally don’t cause the same devastating impacts as extreme weather events, they can become a severe annoyance, and getting rid of them can become quite costly for homeowners.

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