What a wonderful weekend! My weekend started Friday with Awesome Girlfriend Megan in Hackettstown at one of our favorite dive bars. I found out late last week that the party at my buddy Spooner's was an Ugly Sweater party. This is a challenge. Meg and I Saturday morning went to 4 stores underwhelmed by their overpriced ugly sweaters. I then found a perfect combination for me, a red Santa shirt with a light up Gingerbread Hat, where the gingerbread's leg is snapped off and he says "OH SNAP!" Hilarious, right? My hat was a big hit at the party, and everywhere else I went. Even while we were at Rockaway Mall doing our Gifts For Goldens, everyone kept yelling to me "I love your hat!"
I also spent much time enjoying THE SNOW GUNS! My deck is approximately 35 yards from Granite Mountain where I enjoy not just watching skiers, but also the snow guns in action. They're so awesome sleeping to, talk about white noise no pun intended.
I had a great time at my buddy Spooner's Ugly Christmas Sweater party. I highly recommend hanging with friends, laughing, drinking, all while analyzing and fact checking Home Alone 2 vs Home Alone.
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