I've been struggling with sleep big time the past couple of years. Studies show that many of us are, so I'm always trying to find hacks that can help us. Today they're saying if we decorate our bedrooms better, this will give us a chance to sleep better. Some of these tips make sense, I'll admit lighting my lavender / chamomile candle has made a positive difference at times.
This question never seems to go away from us, how young is too young for a kid to have a smartphone? It seems like kids with smartphones keep getting younger everyday. I'm apparently old school in thinking kids 6 and under should not have smartphones. This study says 25% of kids 6 and under have them --- imagine what this is doing for attempting to manage their screen control daily intake. Yikes.
Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I have never gone away together, just the two of us. As of this week, I can happily report we plan to go away for a whole day! Probably just barely over 24 hours. It's very tough for us to get away for any amount of time with my career demands and her Awesome Daughters. We definitely need to get away for a little bit and turn our phones off, except for the occasional social media posts. In late June, we are going back to Asbury Park! A classic Jersey destination where we had so much fun with our besty Jasen last September, maybe this time we will successfully stalk Bruce Springsteen. LOL. They have come up with tips on traveling with your significant other, without breaking up by the time your vacation ends. Planning out a little bit ahead of time, but not overly structuring everything is the balance I try to find myself.
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