This is the exact kind of forward thinking we need here in Jersey. Windy Brow Farms in Fredon is reportedly making a Taylor Ham ICE CREAM! That has me very interested and a little scared! It's still comical to me that Taylor Ham is such a Jersey delicacy that it hasn't yet taken off in other states across America. Within a year of moving here to Sussex County, my friends raved on and on to me about Taylor Ham, and I was reluctant. One of my good friends told me they shouldn't even call it ham from a legal perspective, because there are so many other wonderful (my world, not his) substances in it. Within my first 18 months here, I finally caved and tried Taylor Ham. I didn't know what exactly to expect, when many told me it's a terrific meal to enjoy if you're hungover. To that I responded "does that mean you have to be drunk to like it?" After trying it, I learned my lesson. It's FANTASTIC. Many friends have told me "it doesn't have to be ham to be delicious," and they're right! Is our world ready for Taylor Ham Ice Cream? I figure why not. Ben & Jerry's has come up with flavors of just about everything else on the planet, so why not Taylor Ham? Let's see if this is what helps our Jersey delicacy Taylor Ham go beyond New Jersey, to all across the nation.
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