After a parent reportedly complained about their child not making the cheerleading team at Hanover Park High School in East Hanover, the school has reportedly made a new policy where EVERYONE now makes the team?!? This sounds like another case of everyone winning a trophy, right? The situation in East Hanover, New Jersey is starting to make national news headlines. Should every single kid be able to make the cheer squad? These kids might have a hard time learning how to overcome adversity. I feel for the kids who are working hard and good enough to make the squad. Cheering competitions are very intense, requiring so many hours from both kids and parents! When I was in baseball, they didn't allow me to make the team. While I was strong on defense, my hitting was weak, so Steve Allan's baseball career ended at age 15. That's okay! True, there was one kid who made the team who had no business being on making the team due to politics and favorites --- but everything worked out for the best long term.
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