Full disclosure: Eli and the New York Football Giants are the bane of my existence. Eli has beaten my Patriots not once, but twice in The Super Bowl. That being said, Eli Manning has reportedly settled his fraud autograph memorabilia lawsuit before going to trial. This trial would have started Monday in a New Jersey Supreme Court. There were reportedly even incriminating e-mails from Eli to the team equipment manager that would have been enormous evidence. If autographed memorabilia was worn in a game, its value increases dramatically. Some experts say that Eli should have settled even sooner before this potentially damaging e-mail was released. Since Eli settled this lawsuit and hasn't been charged, it's likely that the National Football League won't even discipline him. With Eli being able to dodge official charges better than a blitzing linebacker, he likely won't even lose his financially lucrative endorsement opportunities. Does this situation change your opinion of Eli Manning? Despite being my long time nemesis, to me Eli has always been a class act. He displayed that last year during his benching by the Giants, where he still was the first one in their building teaching and training his potential replacements. I think this is quite a major loophole in the NFL's discipline system, where Tom Brady wasn't proven guilty in Deflategate - yet suspended 4 games. Rival Dallas Cowboy Ezekiel Elliott had his charges dropped, yet was still suspended 6 games. Eli settles a fraudulent autograph memorabilia lawsuit and likely won't face any discipline from the NFL? Are you kidding me?
We all want whiter teeth, right? Here are 5 myths that can possibly help us avoid wasting money. Perhaps I will switch my toothpaste in a couple of weeks (just bought more the other day, figures!)
I'm drinking my beloved green tea while writing this. You might know that iHeartGreenTea, and drink it daily. Here are the latest, 5 biggest health benefits. I don't think it's helping me lose weight, but green tea always does make me feel better. Boosting brain function in the afternoon? I haven't drank green tea in the afternoon as much lately, but this shows maybe I should start getting back into that habit.
According to AAA, over 36 million Americans will be traveling this Memorial Day Weekend. My parents will be two of them, as they're visiting me in Jersey and I can't wait!
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