This might go down as one of my most Epic Weekend In Pictures of all time. We explored some beautiful local scenery, enjoyed the New Jersey Wine And Food Festival, spent quality time with friends, and I was pulled into a work emergency that had me drive over 2 hours from Pipersville, Pennsylvania to Franklin, New Jersey. Awesome Girlfriend Megan was absolutely amazing during my work emergency.
My Epic Weekends often start on Thursday nights, so I started it off with a relaxing massage from Elaine, my medical massage therapist rock star. She knows how bad I want to get back into running, and is helping me get closer and closer. 3 years ago I was running almost everyday, but my bad back has been preventing that for over 2 years. Every week we are getting closer, I can feel it! Medical massages are helping me for sure. You can e-mail her and she can fix you too, lol!
Friday night, Meg and I went to The Cottage in Franklin to retrieve my coat. Not one of my finer moments. Thursday night, I had one beer, before flying out of there to make my massage appointment on time. I'm OCD and never ever want to be late. My friend Damian from The Cottage messaged me later saying I forgot my coat at the bar. Go figure. The first time I ever forget anything at a bar, and I had literally one beer. Go me! Damian was busting on me to Meg about how she should dump me because I was in such a hurry to get my massage. Comedy gold. We ran into some of our regular buddies and enjoyed several laughs at my expense. Always fun when you're out with friends and everyone's busting on each other. We then enjoyed a nightcap with our bestie Carrie at her place on Campus in Vernon. It was a perfect chill night in with Carrie. She also was CLUTCH in helping coordinate our outfits for The New Jersey Wine And Food Festival.
#FirstWorldProblemsAlert. Meg wanted to rock her new lavender dress, but we discovered this week that while I apparently own a TON of lavender clothes, I apparently don't own many clothes that MATCH lavender. Meg was less than thrilled with me. We had to find a way to match my navy blue suit to her hot lavender dress. Carrie was able to look up outfits on her phone where there were models rocking a navy blue suit, with a white shirt and lavender tie. PERFECT!
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Saturday morning, I knew we needed to get a good solid base of a breakfast before a night of basically an open bar. When in Jersey, Taylor Ham breakfast sandwiches are the answer for that! While I went out to get our breakfast, Meg pulled a fast one on me. She had to make deviled eggs for the big Easter gathering at her Awesome Mom Rita's house in Pennsylvania. Meg coincidentally started this project while I was out, and therefore couldn't try to help and get in her way. That was a smooth veteran move by Meg.
Meg wanted to sit on my deck and enjoy the beautiful Saturday morning, but I had another idea. I took her on a field trip adventure to Greenwood Lake. How could we not want to relax on the water during a beautiful Saturday afternoon? We did a round of drinks at The Breezy, and met our new friend Donna who recognized us immediately from living on Campus (okay and the radio too.)
We then hit a random irish pub on our way back, where I enjoyed a Guinness and Meg had a yummy new Golden Road IPA. I highly recommend it, kind of tastes like a Stella Artois, so it's not too heavy. Good move for when it's earlier in the day.
Saturday afternoon, we had to watch a bit of The Master's with our Cottage buddies who are DIEHARD golf fans. They make watching golf much more fun, and always are patient answering mine and Meg's rookie questions. We ran into Buckeye Paul, who was more than happy to buy us a round he felt he owed us from a lost bet. Last month he committed the ultimate sin in Awesome Girlfriend Megan's eyes and rooted against Rutgers University. Meg forgave him after he bought us a round LOL. Great to see our friends.
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HERE WE GO. The New Jersey Wine And Food Festival at Crystal Springs. Awesome Girlfriend Megan and I were able to go this year, and it was a night we'll never forget. It's so fun to once in awhile go get dressed up and go to a fancy, fun event. Meg and I were able to meet up with our besties, Kim + Bill Eid, Shawn Stinnett + Mark Krisinski, and then of course ran into a ton of friends. It's so fun when everyone's smiling all over enjoying yummy wine and food all over. We had some fancy wines. Which one ended up being our favorite? Believe it or not, J. Lohr. At one of the first tables we went by, they had J. Lohr and I was a little cynical. J. Lohr cabernet is one of mine and Meg's go to wines on a regular basis, usually you can get a bottle for less than $15. When I went to the fancy event, I wasn't expecting to see what we already drink on a regular basis. However, once they found out we were regular diehard J. Lohr fans, they gave us an upscale black label J. Lohr cabernet that they say usually sells for $24-$30 in stores. We liked that bottle even better than some of the $90 bottles we sampled!
The weather was absolutely fantastic. My favorite part was when we were relaxing with our friends on one of the verandas enjoying the party. A night we will never forget.
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Sunday morning, it was time to go from Vernon to PA. Meg's Awesome Mom always throws a massive easter party the week before, which with their big family makes tons of sense. I was so happy we were able to go to this together, even though it meant a one hour drive from Vernon to Hackettstown, then another hour drive from Hackettstown to Pipersville, PA.
We were only there for 30 minutes when I got an emergency work call from our engineer Tony. WSUS was off the air and we didn't know why. MAJOR PROBLEM. Meg was amazing just like she always is. She knows the pressures of me being on call 24/7. She immediately let me borrow her car, so I could drive the hour from Pipersville, PA to Hackettstown, then get my Jeep and haul @$$ from Hackettstown to Franklin at our radio station. It was a stressful ride, because my phone battery was dying while I was using my Google Maps, and Meg's pink USB chord apparently had just broken on me. UGH. We made it though.
We were able to fix the broken frozen computer and get our radio station back on the air. Have I mentioned lately how supportive and amazing Awesome Girlfriend Megan is? Yet another family event where everyone's asking her where I am, and she had to answer again that I had been called into work to fix an emergency.
Sunday night was just what the doctor ordered at Kite's. Happy Hour with my besties JG, Steve and bartender Sam. After an action packed Sunday, I needed it.
Overall, we had a wonderful Weekend that we will never forget. I hope your weekend was wonderful too. Time to start planning next weekend!
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