The most important skill that can help you advance your career? According to Ladders, that skill is "Learnability." I agree with them 100%, and am working harder to improve in this area every single day. Quite often my most successful friends are among the most curious with an insatiable desire to learn new things and technologies. I'm not tech savvy at all, barely social media savvy, but love learning new tricks with those areas all the time. I also love when technology can help improve our efficiency! Some tips on how you can start increasing your learnability, try learning ins and outs of an industry other than your own, while spending more time listening to outside the box thinkers possibly even conflicting points of view within your own industry. I really enjoyed this article, and believe it can help both you and me. You can read the full, terrific piece by clicking here.
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The CDC is making waves by announcing that you should not wash your raw chicken before cooking it. They're saying that washing can actually spread germs even worse! You can see the full story here. Wait, so you're telling me I now need to start washing other raw foods before I cook them? I get washing fruits and veggies but now I have more steps when attempting grilling / cooking? UGH!
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