My weekend started on Friday night with youth group at the United Methodist Church of Matamoras. We had a great time. The best part of the evening for me was reading a children's book about Christmas Eve. "If You're Missing Baby Jesus" is a story about a very cold Christmas Eve in North Dakota. While we read the story we enjoyed hot home made chicken soup. The meal fit the story perfectly. Gracie and Kim were gone for the whole weekend. They went to visit Gracie's father's family on Long Island. After they left early Saturday Morning I went back to bed. When I got up I put food down for Maddie but she wouldn't eat. All day she just stayed on the couch looking sad. She wouldn't eat Saturday Night either. I was starting to worry about her. The house was very quiet so I tried to keep busy doing some cleaning projects. I cleaned the toaster oven and it came out looking like new. Sunday morning I went to the store and bought chicken and white rice to see if Maddie would that. Chicken and white rice usually settles a dog's stomach. I boiled the chicken and mixed it with the rice. Maddie gobbled down her special meal. I was relieved. The rest of Sunday she seemed to feel a little better. When Kim and Gracie came home Sunday night Maddie was very happy to see them. If you ever doubted that our pets miss us when we're gone. I can tell you first hand. They really do.
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