This weekend my Epic Weekend In Pictures had several epic moments that we will never forget. We were able to go celebrate Awesome Girlfriend Megan's Awesome Mommy Rita's birthday and have a great time with family. We enjoyed some very yummy food and beverages along the way. I spent Sunday afternoon relaxing with a couple good stogeys on my deck while watching happy skiers and snowboarders at Mountain Creek, then yelling at my TV during the Celtics - Lakers game. We will start with my Epic return to the treadmill, and the frightening moment for me after that.
Over the past couple of months, I've been getting to do Physical Therapy with my endorsement for Trinity Rehab in Sparta right by the new Shop Rite. Amanda and Keith have been working with me every single week on the pinched nerve in my right hip, or as we lovingly call it, my Caboose. The first couple of weeks, we were sad because I didn't seem to be making any progress, despite their state of the EPAT, stretches and strengthening exercises. Amanda two weeks in said "Steve Allan, not to creep you out but I've been even thinking about you in my sleep because we want to get you better so bad!" Even out of office, Amanda was still constantly racking her brain on ways to help me get better. The pain has never really been that bad in my Caboose, the pain has really mostly been in my right groin. Sorry if TMI! Amanda gave me some new different stretches that I hadn't seen before and there was immediate improvement with my strength and mobility. I was so used to being in constant pain since Memorial Day. Then I kept looking over at this Alter G Treadmill. I haven't been able to run on a treadmill in three years and have missed it every single day. When I ran my one and only 5K almost 4 years ago (which I'm proud to say nailed in 26:10,) that is how I re-met Awesome Girlfriend Megan. Running has always been one of my favorite things to do plus has so many sentimental memories with it. While I've had so much fun experimenting with other exercises, I still miss that runner's high.
Friday afternoon, we DID IT! I was able to get back on a treadmill for my first time in three years. This Alter G Treadmill is an amazing experience, everyone I saw all weekend I told I wish you can experience this. Well, actually you can if you go to Trinity Rehab. This state of the art treadmill is even used by professional sports teams. You get in these special shorts, that hook up to this treadmill. Then this treadmill calibrates you: your body weight and shape. You can run on a percentage of your body weight. At one point I was running on only 40% of my body weight, at another point 60%. This was something I have never felt before, at one point you felt like you were seriously floating. No wonder why it took NASA to come up with something like this. There I was, running on the treadmill. One of my besties Carrie Friday night while watching the video with me said she loved seeing me smile nonstop ear to ear. I was so happy to be back running again.
Oh, the almost accidental pantsing. Approximately 33-34 minutes into our Facebook Live video, Keith helped take these heavy Alter G Treadmill shorts off of me. Terrific. Well the shorts were so heavy, that they created a breeze effect while going off me. I look down, and because my shorts were now bunched up, and the breeze effect from the shorts, I temporarily have the fear of god look in my face fearing that I had just been pantsed on Facebook Live video where the Internet is a permanent thing. Fortunately, that did not happen, however many are calling it one of the funniest moments in my Facebook Live video history. Total comedy gold.
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Saturday morning I was able to get some errands done. Before grocery shopping at Shop Rite Of Sparta, I swung by Starbucks to get some shaken iced green tea. Upon getting my tea, the girl working there said "Hey, you're the Minerals guy who does all those videos!" Apparently that's my Jersey legacy. LOL. Successful grocery shopping morning. I then went to Marshall's in Newton, saw stuff I liked but didn't love so didn't do any retail therapy. Since I didn't get anything this trip, I bet that next time I'm going to score big.
Saturday afternoon time for Meg and I to go to Pennsylvania and celebrate Awesome Girlfriend Megan's Awesome Mommy Rita. We had a terrific time with family laughing all afternoon with delicious food as far as the eye can see. Meg made a ton of lasagna for everyone, and a pepperoni stromboli she knew I would love.
Saturday night, there was a minor change of plans. Meg and I were going to go to a couple of bars in downtown Hackettstown, but the girls wanted to hang out with us. We sneaked out for a quick beer at Czig Meister Brewery, and boy were they packed. We have seen them packed typically and especially on a Saturday night, this might be the most packed we saw them. We were able to find a barrel to rest our beers on top of so we were very happy with that. Then we had a good chill night in with the girls, I was in bed by 10:30pm so that was a victory.
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Sunday morning Meg and I were able to relax and watch some XFL highlights. I've been trying to get Meg into it so we can enjoy more football through the year, and it's also fun to see so many guys get a second shot at chasing their dream. Chasing my dream took me to New Jersey where so many amazing things have happened for me over the past 6 years, I honestly root for all of them. I tried talking Meg into rooting for the local team, NY Guardians. I said "Meg we can support a local team that isn't against one of ours here we go! We can see them play at Metlife!" Well, minutes later I discovered and mistakenly showed Awesome Girlfriend Megan that Dallas has an XFL team too called "The Renegades." Meg's fandom of a NY sports team didn't last too long at all.
Sunday late morning we started it off with wings at Marley's Gotham Grill in Hackettstown. Meg had been craving good wings all week long. I got the nuclear, Meg got the Hot BBQ. I LOVED it. Per usual. I only ate 4 of the 6 wings before the Nuclear set in and started kicking my Irish Tail. It was great. Then Meg had one Nuclear dipped into Hot BBQ I told her maybe that would cool it down a bit. She immediately yelled "Oh no it didn't! Still hot still hot still hot still hot!!!!"
We had a great time. On my way back home to Vernon I swung by The Cottage and enjoyed a Sam Adams Cold Snap. LOVE this time of year. I was then able to acquire Woody's Bourbon that I'll be bringing back to my family for our huge annual Saint Patrick's Day Party at The Allan Tavern.
Sunday afternoon, I was so happy to relax on my deck watching the skiers and snowboarders at Mountain Creek. It was one of the most beautiful days I have ever had. I told Meg I was going to relax and smoke a good stogey. She supported. It was so beautiful out, I stayed and smoked two stogeys back to back for the first time in my life. I then enjoyed cheering on my Celtics against the Lakers even though we got hosed on a Technical Foul at the end of the game. Ah Well. If there's ever a game where the Celtics lose to the Lakers, I'll be okay with that one since even our legend Bill Russell was wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey to support.
Overall we had a fantastic weekend that I'll never forget. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. I hope your weekend was terrific too. Time to start planning next weekend!
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