My Epic Weekend In Pictures included so much fun in Sussex County. I had Awesome Girlfriend Megan on Campus with me for a good chunk of our weekend, so that was a major victory for sure. Our adventures together were mostly in Vernon and Franklin. We made many fun memories throughout the weekend, and then when I was left to my own devices temporarily without Awesome Girlfriend Megan, an epic, temporary sunburn happened on me.
We'll start our Epic Weekend with Friday night. Friday morning our besties Jasen and Brendan invited us over, then followed it up with the odd request of could we bring over my DVD player if I still have one. Fortunately I'm stuck in the past and still have my Blu-Ray DVD player from ten years ago. They then requested we bring french fries, potato salad and ice. I joked with them that their rider was starting to rival Van Halen's no brown M&M's riders from the 80s LOL. The DVD Jasen wanted to watch had some old school photos of his family, and that made him so happy. It was great to be able to contribute to our bestie's happiness by merely bringing over a DVD player. Oh, it goes without saying that I needed Awesome Girlfriend Megan's assistance removing my DVD player, right? She's a gem that one! Fortunately Meg is much tech savvy and has no challenges with that stuff of transporting DVD players. I have many challenges as we learn everyday, and transporting my DVD player was one of them. How lucky is Meg, right?
I was excited to bring french fries over to our bros for one reason and one reason only: I was also bringing over my spicy garlic sauce from Jimmy Geez last weekend. Brendan is a foodie and I couldn't wait for him to try it. He was impressed. I then later would purchase more french fries so Meg and I have more dipping french fries into hot sauce opportunities. Success! The boys grilled steaks for us and we were happily pairing that with yummy red wine cabernet. Great chill night in overall. Poor Meg was burnt out. She was having car trouble in her Chevy Cruze on her way over to Vernon. Fortunately we were able to use my Jeep Compass for all of our weekend travels. She was so fried by the time she arrived, a chill night in with our bros was exactly what the doctor ordered for her. She was laughing. Friday night after the boys we just relaxed and had a beer together on my deck. We were laughing over all the funny moments we had all Friday night. Small, but important victories.
Oh, and I got to cuddle with my kitten niece Ally!!! This made Uncle Steve EXTREMELY happy. At one point she was cuddling on my chest. Simply amazing.
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Saturday morning Meg had some family business in Pennsylvania to attend to. She had to go to a baby shower and Awesome Daughter Caitlin drove Meg's Awesome Mommy Rita to the event. There wasn't enough room in the car for me, so Meg was a Team player going all the way to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for the event. I was nervous about her car making it, so I followed her car to Andover where she dropped it off. It ran fine for that. We are concerned it might be a transmission issue, her car is in the shop today. We will find out soon. We always remind ourselves cars are fixable / replaceable, people aren't.
This meant, time for a Saturday morning pool day at Minerals with my bros. Woohoo! I was out there by 10:10am, and found a chair that was under shade from a nearby tree. That is one of the gem spots on Campus basically. Jasen, Brendan and Spooner would soon join me. I enjoyed a yummy Bacardi rum bucket and it was an excellent, delicious decision. I applied Coppertone sunscreen right before I arrived by the pool. Within an hour or two I reapplied sunscreen. Funny story, I was actually thinking to myself before leaving "I have a decent base coat tan on my skin by now, I might not even need sunscreen, but I'll be good and still do it anyway."
By late afternoon Spooner looked over at me and laughed saying "WOW, you just got so red!" There is debate right now as to whether or not I reapplied the sunscreen often enough, or whether the sunscreen was expired. I still think that the sunscreen must be expired, so I threw it away after that fiasco. Saturday night I was definitely feeling the burn from it, that's for sure. At least everyone had a good chuckle over my bright red sunburn. I reapplied aloe vera many, many times Saturday night.
I was nervous, because I promised to take Awesome Girlfriend Megan to our gorgeous condo pool on Campus Sunday. This would basically be our first time relaxing poolside together all summer. We agreed that I would still take her to the pool regardless, and if I had to keep a t shirt on the whole time then so be it.
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Saturday night we had a great time at Tiki with our besties. Meg came all the way back from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to be with us. I'm very lucky. Poor Meg was fried but had fun with us. She had been in the car Saturday for 8 hours! We had a great time with friends Saturday night, laughing together, busting on each other, the way life should be. Success.
Sunday morning we slept past 9:30 for the first time in a long time! We can attribute that to our impromptu late night at Tiki, but these past few months have been hard and draining on all of us. As so many other industries, radio for me and higher public education for Meg have been hit hard. Managing teams through this crisis where there's no real playbook can be draining for all of us sometimes.
Sunday morning it was raining showers all morning anyway, so we didn't miss much. I then came up with a game plan for Meg. I ran Sunday morning errands while she could wake up and shower. I went to Shop Rite Of Sparta Liquor to get the Forgotten Boardwalk IPA, brewed in South Jersey. This is one of the best IPA's that you can get. It's just about right on all levels. Then I got breakfast at Granny's Pancake House in Hamburg, a Taylor Ham Egg and cheese for Meg, and a bacon burger for myself. Yummy. We definitely got spoiled.
Sunday by noon, the showers appeared to temporarily stop, so I took Meg to our gorgeous Campus pool. We are so lucky to have a gorgeous pool in Great Gorge Village. Meg and I had the place to ourselves for the first hour. Shout out to Danny from Comet who met us and has been a listener for years. Always fun meeting new friends. Fortunately my sunburn is much better now! Aloe Vera helped me tremendously.
Sunday afternoon time to go hang out for happy hour with our bestie / my work wife, Shawn Stinnett. We always joke that the view is so beautiful from her deck, that she can see Russia from her house. Meg and I always joke that we just want to visit her and go to Russia. We attempted to hang out on her deck, but the bright sun came out. They could see my Irish tail melting, so we went back inside. Shawn had a couple of yummy craft IPA's for me to try, and I brought some over for her that I wanted her to enjoy. The Forgotten Boardwalk was terrific, and I admit to buying a beer based on gimmick alone. I purchased The Stone Cold Steve Austin IPA beers - and they were decent.
Overall, we had a wonderful weekend with many laughs and memories. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures recap. I hope you had a wonderful weekend too. Time to start planning next weekend!