Well it was not an action packed weekend for me. Though I did get many unexciting but necessary things done. I took in the patio furniture, cleaned the cushions, harvested the last of the tomatoes, then covered where they grow with cardboard and took my air conditioner out of the bedroom window. On the more interesting side I started to binge watch "The Spanish Princess" on Starz, enjoyed some time watching my grandson look for trouble and cooked something new in my slow cooker. My grandson Christopher is starting to discover the world around him. He is 10 months old and loves taking my slippers, my cell phone and the T.V. remote. Last week we couldn't find the remote for several days. Then we saw he was playing with it. We still don't have any idea where he put it. He has also discovered doors and drawers. We have safety lock on most of them already but it's funny to watch him try to open everything up. He loves getting into his sister's toy vanity in the kitchen. Speaking of the kitchen: Last week I was given a box of apples that turned out to be a little tart for raw eating. All of you know how much I hate wasting food. So I looked up a recipe for baked apples. I found a recipe to make an apple dessert in a slow cooker. I threw in some left over grapes too. The recipe called for nutmeg, cinnamon, brown sugar and peeled apples. The end result was delicious. The left over apples and grapes were not wasted. After watching all of the "Outlander" episodes available so far. I've been looking for a new drama set in history. This weekend I think I found it. "The Spanish Princess" stars Charlotte Hope (from Game of Thrones) and it tells the story of King Henry VIII's first wife. Who was the daughter of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain. The show is not totally accurate as far as the history goes but as far it's been very entertaining. One hilarious thing that happens while I'm watching T.V. is how Maddie positions herself on the couch. We also took both grand kids for their flu shots this weekend. Gracie was very brave. Seeing the band aid on Christopher's tiny leg made me a little sad.
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