This week 24th district state legislators issued a joint press release urging Governor Murphy to increase limits on indoor dining as colder weather sets in. State Senator Steve Oroho and Assemblymen Parker Space and Hal Wirths said: "For restaurants struggling to stay a float, especially in the northwest corner of the state, the changing season is a very real threat to survival. The release noted the governor recently said: "the state has not seen any evidence of any that there are any outbreaks from indoor dining and hinted at his willingness to increase the current limit. Assemblyman Hal Wirths said the 25 percent limit is "a slow torture" for business and employees who can't make ends meet. Assemblyman Space said "I own a seasonal pizza restaurant and we will be closing anyway. For my colleagues who are dependent on year round business, I can't imagine what they must be going through. I worry about what will happen to them if the governor won't increase the capacity limits and give them a fighting chance to get through this crisis."
Source: Oroho, Space and Wirths Press release