This was definitely an Epic Weekend In Pictures we won't be forgetting anytime soon. While we didn't venture out of Sussex County at all this weekend, we definitely made the most of our time in Vernon and Franklin. Friday night we kept our fun times on Campus at our Campus Tiki Moonshine Bar. Great times with our friends for sure. Jasen, Brad, Ed, Dave, Brendan and Natalee all brought us so many laughs. We then later saw our bestie Carrie and her new kitten. Boy, there's nothing quite like seeing a brand new little kitten exploring his or her new surroundings, right? A cute kitten was the perfect way to round out our Friday night.
Saturday morning we kept it low key and did errands. We ended up at Walmart in Franklin a second time. That's when I posted "the only thing better than going to Walmart once is having to go to Walmart twice." Talk about winning at life, right? LOL.
Awesome Girlfriend Megan then treated me to lunch at The Irish Cottage in Franklin. I got the meat lovers pizza. One of our friends Packer Fan Patrick nearby noted that Meg went with one of the healthiest menu options, a chicken caesar salad, and I went for a glorified heart attack on a plate. I then added buffalo sauce to it which gave me a great kick. Wooooooo. Between the meat lovers and hot sauce addition, I was sweating. Not sure if I was sweating meat sweats or from the buffalo sauce or perhaps both.
I know what you're thinking at this point, how lucky is Awesome Girlfriend Megan, right?
Growing up in Mansfield, Massachusetts, our favorite local wing place is in nearby Norton. It is an amazing wing place. I have met folks from Georgia who drove up to try their hot wings. They're that good. I always say if in 2021, you see a restaurant that is cash only, they MUST be good. If you're going to be that inconvenient with customers, you must have fantastic food.
Frequenting Wendell's growing up and loving their hot chicken wings, my Uncles and Dad taught me some valuable tips and lessons. For example, if you have super hot wings, when going to the men's room be sure to wash your hands both BEFORE and after.
Well between us, Saturday I forgot that rule. A few minutes later the heat kicked in, I felt like I was ON FIRE! LOL. Only temporary pain fortunately. We will live to eat hot wings another day, and hopefully remember the lessons we learn.
1 of 2 Photo: Me with Natalee
2 of 2 Photo: Me with Jasen, Dave, Meg and Brendan
Saturday afternoon Meg and I took a nice nap. Not the most exciting Saturday afternoon but it was definitely needed. I usually don't sleep well during naps but this time I could tell I did fall asleep, because a huge wind burst woke me up out of a sound sleep. It was intense. I then convinced Meg we needed to go to Tiki Moonshine Bar slightly earlier than expected so that they'll stay open. An empty Tiki bar with cold weather isn't the most of fun situations, to be fair. We were able to get there, and enjoy. Great times with our friends JG, Brad, Steve and others.
Sunday was a rather low key day. I opened up a bottle of Korbel champagne for me and Meg to enjoy mimosas, and I grilled some hot dogs. I call it our breakfast of champions, LOL. Hot dogs on the grill washing them down with a mimosa probably sounds very strange, but we love it!
Sunday afternoon we did our farewell beer at The Cottage before Meg went back to Hackettstown. I'm always sad when she has to leave. Meg gave me the good idea to buy a good cigar at The George Inn and that might help cheer me up a little bit.
I had fun relaxing with a good stogey on my deck. Nice way to round out your Sunday afternoon for sure!
1 of 5 Photo: Meg giving treats to our neighborhood Scammer Cat
2 of 5 Photo: Sunflower keeps growing yikes
3 of 5 Photo: Walmart fun
4 of 5 Photo: Yummy Meat Lovers
5 of 5 Photo: Me with Brad, Tory, Kyle, Steve, JG and Meg
Every year, our iHeartMedia stations are so happy to promote the Wiegand Farm Golf Outing Classic benefitting Catholic Charities. This year, it was even better for us. I GOT TO GOLF! Due to my shoulder injury, I haven't even picked up a golf club since last September. My physical therapist Jenn reminded me if I swing the way I should, using my hips, that my shoulder should survive. I woke up yesterday morning, took 3 Advil liquid gels and then drove over to Crystal Springs. It's really awesome to have Crystal Springs resort be just an 8 minutes away. Sometimes it feels like I live in an oasis. Our friends with Catholic Charities did a fantastic job handling the many moving parts of hosting a golf outing.
My work wife Shawn and I were able to pair up with our new friends with Visions Federal Credit Union, Roger and his friend Smitty. We hit it off immediately. They were also secretly excellent golfers. Their goal was for us to make par for each hole, and quite often we were right in the money thanks to the scramble best ball scenario. Shawn and I always have fun on the golf course, we usually don't even count. Roger and Smitty were able to help carry us, and once in awhile we even used a shot by me or Stinnett! I did almost kill Stinnett with one of my grounder drive shots that went left, fast and ricocheted off of the golf cart right behind her. YIKES. It was a perfect storm, where Roger and Smitty were helping coach me, and as the day went on my drives went harder and further. On this hole the wind was in our face so I aimed low...well it went too low, a 100mph grounder that almost took out my work wife. Whoops! Overall we had a fantastic day on the golf course. I can't wait until next year already!
I need a weekend from my weekend! I hope you had a wonderful weekend too. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend, might be my 1st Rock, Ribs, And Ridges concert!
1 of 5 Photo: Ugh Eli Manning
2 of 5 Photo: So much fun
3 of 5 Photo: Yes! Me, Roger, Smitty, and Shawn
4 of 5 Photo: Roger's Epic Selfie of him and Smitty, action shot
5 of 5 Photo: Me home at Crystal Springs