Democrats in the legislature and Governor Murphy have agreed to fund free tuition for low income students at New Jersey State Colleges and Universities. Many low income students already quality for free tuition for two years at community colleges. The state would pick up the tab for students and families who earn less that $65,000 per year. Room and board, books, transportation and other expenses would still be paid by students. Families and students that have annual incomes over $65,000 would pay tuition based on a sliding scale. Supporters of "free tuition" say it really won't cost taxpayers that much more. Students would still have to apply for financial aid from federal Pell grants and other state programs. Once all of that financial aid is credited. New Jersey would than add the additional funds to pay the student's full 4 year tuition. In a related story, Rutgers just increased tuition to over $15,000 per year yesterday.
Source: NJ.COM
Photo: Getty Images