The New Jersey Turnpike's rest areas have always been named after great people in history with ties to New Jersey. The list includes Joyce Kilmer, Alexander Hamilton and Vince Lombardi. I've always wondered why the Garden State Parkway rest areas were nameless. There are plenty of people from New Jersey we could recognize. That all changed this week. When Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez announced rest areas on the parkway would be recognizing the accomplishments people in the New Jersey Hall of Fame. The rest areas will not only be named after New Jersey Hall of Famers. They'll have interesting displays courtesy of the hall of fame. So here's the list of Garden State Parkway rest areas and the people they're being named after.
Montvale-James Gandolfini
Brookdale North-Larry Doby
Brookdale South- Connie Chung
Vauxhall- Whitney Houston
Cheesequake- Jon Bon Jovi
Monmouth- Judy Blume
Forked River-Celie Cruz
Atlantic- Frank Sinatra
Ocean View- Toni Morrison
Source: NorthJersey.Com
Photo: Getty Images