What an incredibly fun, wild weekend I had all over Sussex County and NY! This weekend had many local memories that I'll never forget. Friday night artists John Waite and Jeffrey Gaines were performing live at The Newton Theatre. I've been a fan of both of these artists for many years. You can see John Waite's biggest hit 'Missing You,' by clicking here. It's always a fun and surreal experience when you've heard a song so many times in your life, but then seeing it live in person can make such a totally different feel. I was so happy to meet him in person before the show. I've always heard he is a down to Earth good dude, and this was definitely confirmed when we met him. I brought my friend Kelly as my plus one, she had a great time at the show too. Jeffrey Gaines was absolutely HILARIOUS. He joked that after graduating high school in 1984, he just received a distinguished alumni award in 2022. He joked that they must have said "we are running out of people still alive, hey wait Jeffrey Gaines is still alive? Oh we better pick him to win our award!" LOL. I'm sure that is not the reason why he's receiving that award after his decades long successful career. Even though he wasn't able to play it this time, here's one of my very favorite songs. His cover of Peter Gabriel 'In Your Eyes,' you can hear by clicking here. Then they basically tore the roof off with their grand ending. Should I give away the surprise? Sure, the show's over why not. Jeffrey Gaines joined John Waite and they did a rousing rendition of Led Zeppelin. It was not an easy song to cover and they both did GREAT.
Thank you so much to The Newton Theatre for helping me have a wonderful experience. I highly recommend going to The Newton Theatre for a fun night out. I'm honestly ticked at myself it took me this long to finally attend a show there. This show was originally scheduled for 2020. Newton Theatre cracked me up on their social media channels when they made the comment "we've been Waiteing for two years!" Excellent content on your social media platforms, Newton Theatre. Katie over there is a total rock star, who you can just tell was born to do this job. Great times!
1 of 5 Photo: The Newton Theatre
2 of 5 Photo: Me with John Waite
3 of 5 Photo: Me, my friend Kelly and John Waite
4 of 5 Photo: Enjoying intermission and getting ready
5 of 5 Photo: Love The Office reruns
Not going to lie, this was one of those weekends where I definitely burnt the candle at both ends. This week and next weekend are going to have to be less Epic so I can rest up for the Punta Cana wedding I'm going to be in a couple of weeks. After for me a very late Friday night it was time for our annual Home & Garden Show at The Sussex County Fairgrounds. I was up early Saturday morning making my way over to The Sussex County Fairgrounds eager to see so many friends. Tough to believe I've been here long enough to have some of our client friends where we've been friends for several years. There are so many little stories when you go to our Home & Garden Show. Seeing my friend Kent from Father John's Animal House with the cute puppy sister of my Pet Of The Week? That was fantastic. Buying a shirt to support our Marine veterans who had a booth there? My blood pumped harder when I asked for the beige T Shirt, and my friend corrected me saying that the color name was desert sand. I was so proud being able to contribute and support our Marine Veteran friends.
I took a fun selfie with them. Then Jason Vaughn from Vaughn Sealcoating came over offering to take the picture for my Epic Weekend In Pictures. By the time I was going through my phone, I noticed that he hijacked my phone and took a selfie himself. Freakin hilarious. The fun you can have with your friends that you might not necessarily be expecting is endless. Running into my friends Jan from Ideal Farm & Garden, friends at First Hope Bank, Frank Pallotta, was all so much fun.
Saturday was a great Home & Garden Show, thank you so much for coming out to see us. If you weren't able to make it, maybe we can try again for next year. Thank you also if you were able to donate to my friends at SCARC, you know how near and dear they are to my heart.
Saturday afternoon we brought back a tradition that started almost by accident. My Sales besties Shawn and Kim always take me out for a victory beer after our events at The Fairgrounds, to Airport Pub. We get a round of beers, cheers them after another successful event, and watch skydivers flying all over us landing at Sussex Airport. We brought along our new sales buddy Seth. I brought him up to speed on several of our traditions. Hopefully I was able to show him how we can have so much fun working here. I think he was impressed with our tradition of having a victory beer together watching skydivers fly and land over us. Watching them makes me miss the time I went skydiving 7 years ago. I need to find that video of me someday somehow. Me with skydiving, I'm happy I did it but once was enough for me. I wanted to check that box off my bucket list and was successful in doing it. If you ever do skydive, I highly recommend trying for a sunset fall. It can be a wonderful, beautiful, exhilarating experience.
1 of 8 Photo: Me with Violet! Photo by Julia
2 of 8 Photo: Me with Violet! Photo by Julia
3 of 8 Photo: I'm honored to help and thank you!
4 of 8 Photo: This is from Vaughn Sealcoating after he took a selfie lol
5 of 8 Photo: Me with my friends at SCARC!
6 of 8 Photo: Me with my friend Frank Pallotta
7 of 8 Photo: Me, work besties Shawn, Seth and Kim
8 of 8 Photo: Love watching skydivers all over the place
Saturday night I was able to catch up with besty Jasen, as we were able to catch up on the latest wedding details. Two weeks from today at this time I'll be boarding a plane to leave Punta Cana. Tough to believe, time flies! We were able to watch my Boston Celtics defeat the Brooklyn Nets to take a series 3-0 lead. Several of my friends were busting on me rooting for the Brooklyn Nets. Are they Brooklyn Nets fans? No. They were just rooting for them to simply root against me. I took it all in stride, took ownership of my New England roots.
Well, Sunday I was a little bit of a M@$$hole, even I have to admit. Remember how psyched I was to have that pizza from Boston, Cape Cod Cafe sold at Price Choppers in Warwick? Sunday morning I dropped off my clothes for Wash N Fold on 94, then I made the quick trip to Orange County Distillery's Brown Barn Farm there. My dear friend Nick is putting on a freakin clinic with the beer he brews. He had me sample an IPA that was just about right on everything. It was a yummy IPA for sure! I then bought a bottle of their Single Malt Whiskey to go. My new afternoon goal was to enjoy a whiskey and cigar on my deck.
1 of 9 Photo: Me dropping off wash n fold
2 of 9 Photo: Me with Nick and a yummy IPA!
3 of 9 Photo: I now love Love and Mathematics
4 of 9 Photo: Coupon Clipping here we go!
5 of 9 Photo: YES! There is amazing pizza!
6 of 9 Photo: Time to unwind after an action packed weekend
7 of 9 Photo: Loving it.
8 of 9 Photo: Early night for sure.
9 of 9 Photo: Bring on Bar Rescue!
While I was out in the area of Warwick, I figured why not. I purchased 3 Cape Cod Cafe Pizzas. One pepperoni for my bartender friend B-Rad, one pepper and onion for my besty Artie, and one pepperoni for my besty Margie. I was being a total M@$$hole taunting them with my Boston pizza that is superior to anything here. After a beer with my buddies at The Irish Cottage Inn, I went home to relax on my deck with some whiskey and a cigar. It was like a victory cigar after all of the events we had all weekend.
I was on my couch and then in bed before 7 or 8pm. I powered down watching NFL Network which was running a Brady special that I just missed, then I switched over to another Bar Rescue marathon. I LOVE my Bar Rescue marathons, I'm a diehard fan of Jon Taffer.
I hope you had a great weekend. Thank you for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. I'm ready for a nap lol.