My weekend was supposed to be low key, and productive just tidying things up at my place. My initial plan was so low key that when talking about the chore of switching my golf club bags over, Steve Andrews yelled at me and said "not only is my weekend plan more epic than yours, you are putting people to sleep because you're boring us with this golf club bag change over chore." Friday afternoon I had fun meeting new friends at Unicar in Sparta delivering our Friday Office Lunch Party from Quarry Grill. It's always fun on Friday afternoons getting to be Mr. Popular delivering free food to many. The past few days I've been a little tired from launching a brand new radio station, flipping our 106.3FM station from Max 106.3 to The TriState's #1 For New Country, The Bear! The irony of me being here 9 years, and now Program Director for a station called "The Bear," is certainly not lost on me. It's very exciting bringing Country music back to radio in Sussex County, New Jersey for the first time in over twenty years! When you launch a new radio station, there are so many behind the scenes elements involved, especially when you're changing every single minute of every single day 24/7, and all the radio station digital factors too. It's an enormous undertaking, but so worth it when you hear folks cranking up and loving their new radio station.
1 of 5 Photo: Friday Office Lunch Party winners!
2 of 5 Photo: Thank you, Chrystine!
3 of 5 Photo: Chill mode
4 of 5 Photo: still chill mode
5 of 5 Photo: Me at the Giants game!
Saturday I had fun watching USA Soccer with my friends Artie, Margie, Paul and Damian. We had a blast watching despite the sad outcome of USA's run ending. Damian My Favorite Realtor is very knowledgeable about soccer and patient with explaining the game's nuances to us. Then as we were watching the game, Artie and Margie asked if I could go to the New York Football Giants game Sunday at Metlife Stadium. I had so much for in late October when I saw them take on the Baltimore Ravens, and the weather was going to be cold but dry, I figured why not! I love watching football and going to the games in person can be such a fun experience. The energy of 80,000 screaming fans is so much fun. I will admit that I put a little more planning into what I was wearing for this Giants game.
The Giants colors are blue, white and red. The only clothes I have that share those colors are of course my New England Patriots shirts. Out of respect to the local home team, I wouldn't wear my Patriots gear to the game unless the Patriots are playing in the actual game. I personally think it's tacky if you were the gear of a team that's not even playing in the game. Out of respect to the home local Giants team, I wore my camouflage Under Armour hoodie. I figured that camouflage would be neutral and respectful enough. I didn't think much of it until after I posted my Weekend In Pictures where I was in big group pictures with the tailgating friends. Several friends started busting on me online for sticking out like a sore thumb. Dozens of people and all you could see was blue, with some red and white shirts. I definitely did stick out like a sore thumb. It was like Sesame Street's "which one of these things doesn't belong?"
1 of 3 Photo: Open and cheering on Team USA!
2 of 3 Photo: Hi friends!
3 of 3 Photo: Hi new friends Joe and Laura!
I was so excited. Friday afternoon my weekend was looking like a blank canvas, but now it was quickly filling up with fun adventures.
My friends I have who are season ticket holders also attend amazing tailgate parties before every home game. It was funny, our friends Denise and Roy followed us to the game and joined the tailgate party. Denise wasn't sure what to do or how to help. I explained to her that when you attend one of these tailgate parties, everyone involved has systems and schedules in place. Everyone has been tailgating together for many years, and everyone knows their jobs and responsibilities. The best way we can help them is to simply stay out of their way, unless they ask us to help them with something. The food was fantastic. Steve Andrews was a little jealous that he had to put so much work, tender love and care into the prime rib he made, while I merely got drive to Metlife Stadium and was able to enjoy delicious prime rib without having to put in any effort myself personally.
My friend Artie (known as AJ at Metlife Stadium,) knows how to throw an impressive tailgate party. He's usually cooking but didn't have to this time. You could tell he was happy to be off, but also unsure what to do to keep himself busy. Again, everyone there who are regulars know their jobs and schedules. I was so happy Artie and Margie brought me to the game. I had a great time. I ended up sitting in Artie's normal section around many of his friends who were at the tailgating party. I consider them my friends too. They're all so fun, nice and inclusive. You would've thought that I'd been going to their tailgate parties for many decades too.
1 of 10 Photo: At Metlife Stadium
2 of 10 Photo: Tailgating fun!
3 of 10 Photo: Tailgating fun
4 of 10 Photo: Tailgating fun
5 of 10 Photo: Tailgating fun
6 of 10 Photo: more tailgating fun
7 of 10 Photo: MORE tailgating fun
8 of 10 Photo: yummy!
9 of 10 Photo: Hi new friends!
10 of 10 Photo: Yes!
Even though the game was a painful tie, we still had a great time. It was fun getting to cheer on football. So many great memories!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!