This was definitely a fantastic Epic Weekend In Pictures for sure! I'm going to try to lean on our pictures telling the story of some wonderful memories that I'll never forget. This weekend involved fun with some friends here in Jersey, along with an awesome time with my family up in Mansfield, Massachusetts. We'll kick off my Epic Weekend with Friday night. Friday night my friends at Crystal Springs Black Bear Golf Club were hosting their Bourbon & BBQ event. They do a fantastic job with it. I was able to enjoy some delicious barbecue food.
Is it too soon into this for me to vent? For years I've been trying to teach my Jersey friends who call cookouts barbecues that they're wrong on this. There is a difference between a cookout and a barbecue. A cookout can be pretty much anything you're grilling outside, but barbecue is a kind of food. Barbecue ribs, pulled pork, brisket, etc. If you're cooking those foods, then it's a barbecue. BBQing is not a suitable verb unless it's working with barbecue food. Rant over. ;)
Friday night I had fun with besties Carrie and JG at Bourbon & BBQ. All of the sudden a gentleman approached our table and asked me if I was Steve. I answered with yes. He then smirked and said "my wife wanted me to give this to you." It was a slice of cheese because they know I don't like cheese! Hahaha I burst out laughing. I enjoyed meeting them and appreciate them listening to us and letting us try to crack them up, whether it's when I'm on with Steve Andrews at 8:45am or during my afternoon show.
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Saturday morning I was on the road in what ended up apparently being one of the most intense travel days all year. Normally from Vernon, New Jersey to Mansfield my drive is approximately 4 hours door to door if there isn't any traffic. Before I even got to Connecticut traffic was starting to build quickly on 84. I quickly realized I had a long day of driving ahead of me. Traffic was intense. I stopped at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Waterbury, Connecticut to have some wings, an ice cold Lagunitas IPA beer, and to stretch. I had been driving for 3 hours at the point, normally I'm crossing the Mass state line after 3 hours of driving, instead I was still south of Hartford.
The bartender at Buffalo Wild Wings asked if I wanted any ranch or blue cheese dressing. I politely declined, and said "I'm here for the heat, and booze!" The bartender almost fell over from laughing so hard. She said she had never heard that and was going to use that line on customers all day. I got the hot wings and they were terrific. I was happy with my decision to make a pit stop 3 hours into my drive, knowing I likely had several more ahead of me.
It basically took me 6 hours instead of 4 to get back home. It definitely wiped me out a bit. I was just so happy to be able to go out with my family to Geno's in Mansfield, where they have some of the best New England Clam Chowder you'll ever have. I can't remember the last time I had it, but was definitely enjoying my cup of it Saturday night. It was so great to see my family, Uncle Jeff (JDawg,) sister Zannie, Aunty Sue (Soup,) Madre and Padre. Comfort food in a comfortable place with my family. That made me really happy.
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Here we go! Sunday time to get ready for Grammy (Captain Chaos,) and her surprise 90th Birthday. We started decorating for her birthday party at Fitzy's Pub in Plainville, Ma. This was also where my family did my surprise 40th birthday party, and we did my Dad's surprise 60th party. The team there has always been so friendly with us, we want to support them whenever possible. Their fish was fantastic too by the way, normally I wouldn't have thought to order fish at that pub but it was great.
Grammy was very surprised! So much so I joked she made it the most painful surprise ever, because she was so surprised, laughing and stopped walking towards us in the room we reserved. Classic Captain Chaos. LOL.
It was so much fun getting to hang with my family, and see some friends I hadn't seen in years. Most importantly, Grammy was very happy. My family was getting a kick out of being in my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Successful party where everyone was happy!
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Normally when I go back home, I try to do a little farewell lunch with my family. We quite often have our Lunch Bunch lunches Mondays. I try to take a long weekend when possible, and drive back to Jersey after a fun lunch with my family, which result in me giving teary goodbyes every time. I know I'm a very lucky guy to have the amazing family and friends I have.
Going into this weekend, Padre informed me that my normal plan wouldn't work out. Madre had to take Grammy to a doctor appointment, and my sister Zannie had to work all day. It was looking like it was just going to be me and him. My Uncle Paul was hanging out with us, and wanted to join us for Lunch Bunch. I told them my big Epic surprise plan. I was going to take them into Boston (they are both not city people,) and go to Regina Pizzeria in Boston's historic Italian North End! One of my favorite places ever, and I haven't been there in over ten years at least. I got us from Mansfield to the parking garage in Boston within 35 minutes. Padre and Uncle Paul were impressed with my quick, drama free driving into the city. I promised them Regina Pizzeria would be beyond amazing and less than a 10 minute walk from the Faneuil Hall parking garage. I definitely forgot that the walk is more than 10 minutes, especially on a muggy day. They were less than thrilled with my lack of accuracy on how long the walk would be. We get there and I was selling them on how we earned the beer and pizza with all of the steps we took. We saw the legendary open since 1926 Regina Pizzeria, and they had a line outside the door just to get into it. The line of people was approximately 40. It would've taken us hours to get in, let alone eat. My Uncle Paul asked "Steve, what's your Plan B?" I was so livid and disappointed I didn't even have a Plan B.
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We ended up backtracking to Faneuil Hall and had lunch at irish pub Ned Devine's. Our meals were terrific even if they weren't the legendary pizza I had been wanting and promising. We still had a great time. Padre and Uncle Paul were a little entertained at how angry I was. They know it doesn't happen too too often fortunately. They also know how much I love to plan things out and handle details. Last time I went to Regina Pizzeria I walked right in and had a great time. I should have taken into account that the most popular cities Fourth Of July are Boston and Washington, D.C. Everywhere we went was packed with people. Definitely my bad on that Epic Fail.
I ended up staying one more night in Mansfield to risk getting stuck in tons of traffic after a long day. It was the right move, I was able to hit the road Tuesday morning at 8 and get to Vernon at 12pm. Four hours door to door, so much better than Saturday.
I went to Crystal Springs Vista 180 Pool, as I call my Heaven on Earth happy place. I then ran into my friends Artie and Margie, they invited me to a cookout at their place nearby. I had no plans, this worked out perfectly. Artie and Margie are reallllly good at hosting cookouts. They are so on top of everything. It was great to hang out with them along with Buckeye Paul, Ed, Megan, Teresa and Ed. I just realized we had two Ed's at the cookout lol. Even though we got caught in that Vernon downpour thunderstorm that at times resembled a hurricane, we were able to go back out to their gorgeous patio setup 15-20 minutes later. The weather was beautiful after that.
Thank you so much for reading my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time to start planning next weekend!