Photo: lightasafeather / iStock / Getty Images
New Jersey is all set for the opening day of Trout Season this weekend. The state's Department of Environmental Protection has announced that more than 180,000 rainbow trout will be released into waterways across the state just in time for the event.
The Trout Season officially kicks off at 8 a.m. on Saturday. Anyone over the age of 16 who has a New Jersey fishing license can participate.
But that's not all. Throughout the spring stocking season, more than 570,000 rainbow trout will be released into New Jersey's waterways. This means there will be plenty of fish for everyone.
The trout being released average about 10 1/2 inches in length and weigh about half a pound each. In addition to these, approximately 6,000 broodstock will also be released. These are larger, mature trout that range in size from 14 to 26 inches and can weigh up to seven pounds.
"The quality of New Jersey’s trout fishing as well as the trout we stock is outstanding,” said NJDEP Fish & Wildlife Assistant Commissioner Dave Golden. “Exciting fishing opportunities are plentiful in every county, meaning great places to fish are easily accessible and can always be found close to home.
From April 6 to May 31, the minimum legal size required for taking trout is nine inches with a daily limit of six trout in most trout waters. Starting June 1 through Dec. 31, 2024, the legal size remains nine inches, but the daily limit is reduced to four trout.