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The deadline for New Jersey's property tax relief program, known as ANCHOR, has been extended by a week, from November 30th to December 6th. The extension was announced by the state Treasury Department to give taxpayers extra time to file after the Thanksgiving holiday. State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio encouraged homeowners and renters across New Jersey to check their eligibility and apply for this significant property tax relief.
The ANCHOR program provides up to $1,500 for qualifying homeowners, with an additional $250 benefit for senior citizens. Qualifying renters can receive $450, with an extra $250 for seniors. The Treasury Department has already processed payments worth more than $1.9 billion to over 1.6 million taxpayers. The state has received approximately 500,000 applications from new filers, in addition to the more than 1.45 million applications that were filed automatically by the state.
Residents can check the status of their benefit on the state’s website at or call the ANCHOR hotline at (609) 826-4282 or 1-888-238-1233. The Treasury Department also offers in-person assistance at Regional Information Centers and at outreach events hosted across the state this fall, according to the Asbury Park Press.