My Epic Weekend In Pictures

This weekend I didn't get everything accomplished I wanted to but it's okay. My taxes can go another day or two without me doing them, I still have plenty of time. Usually with Turbo Tax I'm done with my taxes after 60-90 minutes or so. I'm about as simple as you can get. Both weekend days it was tough for me to get out of bed. I was very happy to see friends. Thursday night I saw besties Christine and Carrie at Alias Brewery in Vernon. I was going on one of my classic rants about how people around here mistakenly refer to cookouts as barbecue. I've said for years barbecue is a type of food. The majority of times you're invited to a barbecue, it's instead really a cookout. If you're having barbecue food like ribs, pulled pork, etc, then it's a barbecue. If it's just hamburgers and hot dogs? That's a cookout. While talking to a barbecue chef at Alias, while in the midst of my rant the chef just said "oh my god wait I know that voice, you're Steve Allan!" I cracked up. He recognized my voice and also my war on barbecue rants. Comedy gold.

Friday night I saw some friends and was in to watch The Boston Celtics on tv. That was a bad decision by me. They blew a huge lead and lost, welp welp.

Saturday afternoon I was able to go out with bestie Jennifer to Rockaway Mall. We were craving some Buffalo Wild Wings and it totally hit the spot. Much needed fun night out for me.

Sunday was tough for me to get out of bed again. I was able to get some minor errands done, then ran into besties Artie, Margie, and George at The Irish Cottage Inn. I had just missed music bingo, and that's okay with me. I always try to make sure I don't win at music bingo, because I don't want folks to be suspicious of me rigging or cheating the game with my radio career. It was great to hang out with my friends.

Overall we just need to keep on moving, surviving and living. Some days are harder than others.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures. Time for me to start planning next weekend here. I'll go back up to Boston Saturday March 15th.

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