My Epic Weekend In Pictures

I was pretty productive on one of the weekend days at least. Saturday I met up with besties for breakfast at Birdie's in Vernon, with Artie, Margie, George and Kathy. We had a great time. I think you just need to be patient with the service. Our meals came out rather slow, but they were overall decent. I then was able to hop on Turbo Tax and do my taxes. Success! It typically takes me 60-90 minutes to do my taxes, and this year we were right on schedule with it. It took me approximately one hour fifteen minutes to do. I used to go crazy when H & R Block would charge me so much to do my taxes. I should be the most basic person basically for taxes since I rent, don't have children, etc. It felt great to rip the band aid off and be done with taxes until next year.

My Saturday morning was quite successful. After doing my taxes, I ventured down 23 to hit up the trifecta of Target, Home Depot and Lowe's. My mission? To find a new table / shelf for my new electric outdoor grill. It's annoying to me that these Weber outdoor grills don't have side shelves anymore. I used to use mine all the time. Now it's necessary to get a side table for assistance. I've been looking and monitoring the market over these past few weeks as stores start to have more patio furniture in stock as we keep approaching spring. Boom. I purchased a new table for $70 at Lowe's that appears to be the height I've been targeting! I was hoping to get a shelf / table that would be approximately 3 feet tall. This at 30 inches was pretty much right on the money. I then ventured out and got a new grill mat. I totally forgot and would've been upset trying to turn on my new grill and then realize I didn't have all of my supplies needed yet. I was able to get a $15 grill mat from Walmart in Franklin. I didn't feel like splurging on the $50 grill mat option. I can keep monitoring grill mats and probably get another online if I don't like my current new grill mat. I was really happy with the new table, feeling like there was some decent value in my deal. Isn't it a great feeling when you feel like after researching and pricing things out you appear to get a good deal?

Friday night I was able to get a new Guinness engraved glass to replace my old ones. Successful night at The Irish Cottage Inn for sure.

Saturday night after all of my errands I then met up with besties Artie and Margie at The Irish Cottage Inn. I had a great time with them, then a nice early night in.

Sunday was just one of those days where I was sad and couldn't really get out of bed. I got out of bed by Sunday afternoon to watch Bar Rescue on my couch so at least I left my bed once. Some days are tougher than others. I do at least feel good, accomplished and relieved as I am looking at a print out of my taxes being completed. That was definitely a good accomplishment.

Overall everything is still pretty fluid. I think that I might be visiting my family in Boston this coming weekend for St. Patrick's Day. I don't think we have it in us to do the huge annual party that we normally do every year. Regardless, I still want to see my family.

My Epic Weekend In Pictures might not post until Tuesday next week, but on Instagram in real time @SteveAllanRadio. Thank you for taking the time to read my Epic Weekend In Pictures.

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