My Epic Weekend In Pictures: Backpack Snacks For Kids And A Fun Surprise

This was definitely an Epic Weekend In Pictures I won't be forgetting anytime soon. We were able to make a huge, positive impact with our 10th annual Backpack Snacks For Kids spring local food drive. Everything we collected stayed local right here in Sussex County. We don't think anyone should go hungry, and that's why we do this every year. Every town in Sussex County has families below the poverty line. While there are programs that give kids assistance with food during the week, these programs unfortunately don't continue through the weekend. This can lead to kids struggling and going hungry on weekends. Backpack Snacks For Kids picks up where those programs fall off basically. I'm very proud of Backpack Snacks For Kids, as it's one of the more unique things that our radio stations can do. Not to throw shade, but I don't expect you'll see Spotify or SiriusXM out at local grocery stores raising and collecting food for families. Radio gets results! We stuffed our bus and I was excited. It was a very rewarding feeling when I saw the stuffed bus drive away from us at Weis Markets in Franklin.

There were many great memories that happened all throughout the weekend. One of my absolute favorite memories happened Friday night, when we surprised bestie Carrie on her birthday. Over the past 4-6 weeks, Carrie's mom Deb from Granny's, and sister Jennifer have been planning this surprise birthday party for her. We've had fun on that text thread for sure. As we kept getting close to her big day, Carrie was miserable because she had no idea what was happening at all. She knew that she'd be going out with her Mom and sister, but that's all she knew. Carrie was upset thinking that she wouldn't get to see any of us on her birthday. Deb even made Carrie wear a blindfold so she couldn't see the party bus we rented for her that we were all on. Deb helped Carrie get onto the bus with her blindfold, then once we had her take the blindfold off she almost fell backwards. She was very surprised as all of us yelled surprise to her right after she took off the blindfold. Mission accomplished! Carrie was 100% surprised and stunned. What a relief it was for us once the surprise was officially accomplished. Now I don't have to keep playing dumb whenever I'm around her as we've all been secretly planning her birthday celebration for well over a month.

The party bus picked us up in Vernon at the Minerals parking lot. Our next stop was dinner in Morristown. I did the surf and turf option at Fred's. My steak was absolutely tremendous. They nailed my filet mignon. They forgot the lobster portion at first, but then made good on it later. We had all that part of the party plan. Then we were a little less organized for a time after dinner. It can be tough keeping track of 15 people at the same time. We were struggling a little bit to find a place that could fit all 15 of us on a busy Friday night. Carrie and I stumbled upon a place that I've heard about for years and hadn't been in before. The Laundromat! It's a huge speak easy, that has nothing but laundry washing machines upstairs looking like you guessed it, a Laundromat. Then downstairs it's a huge bar with live music that was so much fun. We all had a blast at The Laundromat. Everyone had fun dancing to the live band who were terrific. We all had a fun time, and Carrie the birthday girl was totally surprised. I was psyched to start feeling a little bit back to normal, I've been battling an annoying bad sinus infection these past couple of weeks. I'm glad the antibiotics started to work and help me a little bit.

Overall we had a fun weekend. I'm very proud of our Backpack Snacks For Kids food drive. I'm very happy that bestie Carrie was so surprised out of her mind. We definitely had fun memories.

How fun is that picture I took of Carrie right when we surprised her? Jennifer was taking video of the surprise, and I was able to get that fun picture of everyone taking her picture. That photo came out even cooler than I could have tried. Success!

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