Officials have set a trap at Great Gorge Village in Vernon to catch a bear and euthanize. When hearing rumors on this story over the past few days, I was honestly hoping it wasn't true. This is exactly why I get so angry when people don't lock dumpsters after taking out their trash. A man has reported that a bear charged at him on Sunday October 14th. This is very unusual behavior from the bears, especially on Campus as I say where they're so used to people. When people don't lock the dumpsters, it's not fair to other people trying to take out their trash nor the bears themselves. The bear now has to be categorized as Category 1, meaning they need to trap and euthanize it. While it only takes 1, I must admit that of all the Bear encounters I have had over the past 5 years, only 1 bluff charged at me while I was on my ground level deck. It was a collared big Momma Bear, with 5 cubs around her. That means the other dozens, and dozens, and dozens of Bear encounters I have had over these past 5 years, none of them have ever been aggressive towards me. While a healthy respect should be had for these majestic wild animals, Bears are amazing to see up close and personal. A BEAR advocate group wants us to have different dumpsters on Campus, which unfortunately still requires people to lock their dumpsters. I hate when people intentionally leave dumpsters open so they can see more bears, endangering both us and them.
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