This is my first time attempting to bring back my Epic Weekend In Pictures in a few weeks. With my 37 year old sister Suzanne unexpectedly passing away on January 25th, I just haven't been up for doing my usual selfies and activities. Simply too heartbroken, shocked and devastated. She's my best friend. We are simply gutted. Thank you so much for all of the condolences, well wishes and support. She's really amazing and has quite the legacy. At her funeral services our funeral director estimated 4-500 people attended. It's been good for me to keep working these past few weeks and keep busy.
This weekend I kept trying to keep life going. Friday night I was able to see some wonderful friends at The Irish Cottage Inn. It was great to hang with besties Artie, Ed, Theresa, Rob, Kathy, and Marky. Much needed laughs thanks to them. They're wonderful friends. I was originally going to Industry Kitchen & Bar in Sparta, but my bestie JG told me there weren't any available seats at the bar. Those daily Guest Appreciation specials are quite popular. I wouldn't have bragged on my radio commercials about them had I known it would result in me not being able to get a seat at the bar! Talk about victim of my own success LOL.
Saturday was a deep dive cleaning day for me. These past couple of months I wasn't in a rush to Swiff my floors because of all the ice / snow / salt that we've had. Why clean my floor when the next day you can't even tell I did anything? Now with this spring like thaw, I'm confident my floors should look good for a couple of days at least. I did a pretty decent deep clean on my place and it felt great. I started with decluttering. I started to put some of my laundry away, and I realized that so many of my socks at the bottom of my sock drawer are single mismatches. I dumped out my drawer, went through all of the single solo ones looking for a partner and threw them in the trash. I can always buy new socks if we really need that many more. Right now I appear to be in decent shape. It's like with organizing / cleaning / decluttering, sometimes taking one small step at a time can make a positive difference. That can probably be a helpful philosophy for life as well. My place smelled good and all bleached up. I think I washed my hands Saturday night repeatedly to get the bleach cleaner scent off my hands. Maybe it was all in my head at that point anyway.
Saturday while I was cleaning, there were several trips across the parking lot to the dumpster. Nothing major. All of the sudden, I heard loud music. You know how I love being able to watch skiers and snowboarders at Mountain Creek from my deck? The building that is between me and the ski slope was having an apparent party. They were all hanging out on a deck, cranking music, and throwing beers up to folks on the chairlift while they were in motion! In my 11 years living here in New Jersey I have never seen that around here before. It was definitely entertaining. Everyone's yelling at me for not joining the party. I had too much cleaning to do.
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Sunday morning I was driving around getting some errands done. I ended up in Newton at Marshall's and bought a new belt, socks, underwear and a shirt. I scored on some good deals there for sure! Driving around Sunday morning it felt beautiful out. Even though temperatures were in the low 30s, it felt like a spring time heat wave after how freezing cold this winter has been these past two months. I was driving around and just thought to myself "it's gorgeous out. I should have a party on my deck so we can watch skiers and snowboarders! I called up bestie Carrie, then besties Christine and Chris. They were excited and a little scared because I called them without texting, which is something I never do. They were also excited that I wanted to have a party at my place. After things ended with the ex-fiance 3 years ago, I haven't really had people over at my place much at all. I want to start changing that. It's been too cold for my new electric grill these past few weeks, but it's assembled and I just took it out to my deck. I haven't plugged it in yet, but we are getting closer. Maybe even this weekend I'll bring back my world famous burgers or steaks. I definitely want to start having my friends over my place again and make my place fun again. We had a great time Sunday! When we called my parents and Uncle JDawg on speakerphone I could hear it in their voices. You could tell they were happy to hear my friends, and that I was actually entertaining. I pulled out my tv tray setup for the first time in a few years, and it felt really good!
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We then started having conversations about music since it's prominently featured at my place. Carrie was talking about how she has never seen her favorite band The Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert. I humble bragged to Christine and Chris also how I saw them once, and it was amazing. I ended up seeing them front row, which made my friends jealous. Then I went to my bedroom and found it! The WBCN River Rave 1999 T Shirt I got at the concert when I saw them!!!!
Very rarely does hoarding result in a fun story that makes everyone drop their jaw, but in this case it did!
Thank you so much for reading my Epic Weekend In Pictures. I'm trying to get back into it, little by little.
Time to start planning next weekend!